
an idiot.Ho's gonna hate being married,because he never wants to do anything for anyone,and when he does,he feels bad about it for a long time ..I don't know why either.I usually feel good when I do nice things for people ..Anyhow,
Linda Schotte Is a real ding-bat,which is probably why she thinks William is so smart.Once.,she had a choice between taking,a trip to Disney World or Cypress Gardens,.and she took Cypress Gardens because she thought she'd learn ©mething.
We asked her,'Why would you. go on a vacation to learn something.?' and she didn't answer.She thought we were making fun of her,which was when William did the first nice thing for her that he ever did;he told everyone to shutup•That took a lot of guts too..for him,it's like riding: a bike for the first, time,which was probably easier.But Linda's is pretty-stupid..Like everyone,she has her goo.d moments,but not very often.'When she does,everyone notices because she makes such » a big. deal of it.Once,she solved a two-minute mystery and couldn't stop smiling about it.She even told the teacher about it which made the entire class crack up.Even Dan Preston,who never laughs at anything.Don Preston isn't that smart either,but he always says,'Who. needs brains today?'and everyone reservaes comment on that.He look like a loser,but shacked everyone when he shat seven straight foul shots in a row .The school record is 6^9 y but that never stopped Don. from acting like an idiot about it.When he got into class,he started diagramming a mathematical analysis of his foul shots and how they worked.He enver finished because Mrs.Jones tore it up thinking it was a picture of a sailboat.Don hangs a-round with us coq.He wasn't wierd or unusual in any way and di.dn' t have any peculiar hobby like everyone else did,which makes me wonder why he hung around us for so long.Everyone else was ,wierd in one way or another.William was so smart, academically at least,that no one ever came close.Linda was so. all around dumb that no one could possibly believe it unless. they ever came close to her dumbness.Don wasn't too smart, but it. wasn't anything to get worried about.Don's girlfriend,
- Author
- mark thomas